And luxury handbag, as delicate and crafted as it is, is made to be worn, not just admired! But because we religiously wear our Louis Vuitton tote bag, pouches Chanel or bucket bags Celine so as not to make anyone jealous, each of them requires special attention to last over time. Tips for properly conditioning handbag designated as the chosen one of the day, tips for properly preserving the pieces of leather goods that remain at home: Vintega reveals the right actions to ensure the well-being of your bags – yes, yes, their well-being!
Store them properly
To our great dismay, we have yet to find any opportunity that would allow us to wear all our bags at the same time... Who says making a choice, says leaving certain handbags behind when you leave in the morning. No matter how long our Lady Dior or our Speedy from Louis Vuitton are waiting their turn, it is essential to store them all carefully so that they do not get damaged.
The ideal is to have a dedicated place to store your luxury bags, so that they have enough space. It is important to avoid as much as possible that they are deformed, twisted or packed, which could damage the material and increase the risk of snags due to zippers and metal details. Hanging them by the handles is not a good idea: both the handle and the bag could become distorted. Also note: the sun is the enemy of leather! You should therefore be sure to store your bags in a room or piece of furniture that is not directly exposed to prevent early fading.
No need to dedicate an entire closet to organizing your hand bags ! All you need is a cabinet with shelves wide enough to place the bags “upright” next to each other without them being compressed. Separate them with a thin sheet of tissue paper or simply by placing them in dustbags. Finally, if you keep some luxury bags in their original box, which can be a good idea, remember to let them breathe from time to time so that humidity or dust does not damage them.
Respect their shape
Bucket bag, basket trapezoid or bag : each bag has its own shape, and it must be respected so that it keeps its beautiful structure! When your luxury bags are stored first: those which have a rigid shape, with marked angles, can simply be placed vertically with the handles extended, that is to say not twisted. Your soft bags will appreciate being padded with balls of paper, for example: this will prevent them from sagging or the corners from wearing out.
Shape should also be taken into account when carrying your bag. This may seem obvious, but you don't put too heavy an object in a leather bag or suede: the material risks becoming permanently loose, and the bag losing its pretty silhouette. It would be a shame to see your Fendi baguette found second hand on the Vintega shop gradually moving from an elegant structured clutch to a bag with blurred lines.
Anticipate possible hiccups
In the same way that you don't wait for a car to run out of fuel to refill it, it is important to take the right steps to preserve your bag without waiting until it is already damaged. We gave you our golden rules for properly maintaining your luxury bag on a daily basis, but there are also longer-term tips to make it last. Waterproof your leather bag or nubuck with a suitable spray is certainly the most important: by doing this as soon as you acquire a new model, you easily protect it from rain and humidity.
When you decide it's time to switch your messenger bag for a pouch, take a moment to clean the inside of the model you are storing and check that it has not been damaged. The bag you opt for instead should also be carefully inspected beforehand, and “prepared” to accommodate your small everyday items again. A few minutes of arrangement which will extend the life expectancy of your parts. luxury leather goods !
pamper them
Pamper our sacs de luxe is almost innate. Besides, who buys a sac Gucci if it is not to offer him a dream life? But beyond the obvious, we sometimes forget essential rules. The first: a handbag does not land on the ground. Scratches, dirt or humidity could actually accelerate its wear! Instead, keep it on your lap if it is a small model, or place it on a handbag hook (a few hours will not damage it).
Inside the bag, avoid pens without caps, leftover chocolate or jam donuts and more generally all pointed or sharp-edged accessories that could quickly degrade the material – canvas, leather or suede – without you without noticing. If the slightest defect arises, it is essential not to leave it lying around and to repair it quickly. Anticipation is the key!
Finally, the best way to pamper your hand bags, is to give them fair attention without neglecting any of them! By alternating between your various bags as often as possible, you give each person their moment of glory while taking turns preserving their comrades.
For personalized advice on a model of luxury bag specific, do not hesitate to contact Vintega : we will be happy to guide you in the right way to maintain it so that it keeps its shine over the years!